When you look into the mirror, think not upon how others perceive you; instead, think about how God sees you. To Him, you are the most beautiful thing on earth. And that's all that matters.
Please feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what you think of my feeble attempts to convey my thoughts, feelings, and imaginings.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Speak To Me...

Oh, let me tell the tales of heaven! Show me the beauty that lies beyond those golden gates; beyond my reach. Speak to me, that I may scribe Your words for others to read. Let me hear the melodies rolling from the tongues of angels so I may repeat them here on earth. Guide my hand, that it might capture the glory and splendour of Your creation for all to see! Let my voice mix with Yours to make a sound not yet heard on this earth. Put Your words in my mind so I may write with eloquence.
Without You, I am naught. Without You, I do not exist. Nothing exists.

July 16th, 2008

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