When you look into the mirror, think not upon how others perceive you; instead, think about how God sees you. To Him, you are the most beautiful thing on earth. And that's all that matters.
Please feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what you think of my feeble attempts to convey my thoughts, feelings, and imaginings.
Because I have SO much time on my hands and NOTHING else to do... (not)
You Are A Thoughtful Idealist

You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.
You like to think that people are impressed by you. You know that you have a lot to offer.
You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be.
Right now, you feel like the whole world is open to you. You see lots of possibilities.
Overall, your life is dramatic and unpredictable. You life in interesting times.
You feel like the fate of the future partially rests in your hands. You believe you need to help make the world a better place.
You Are a Hazelnut Latte

You often having the craving for something exotic. You get bored easily.
You are a true adventurer. Nothing makes you happier than traveling.
You're a very cosmopolitan and worldly person. You have sophisticated tastes.
You have a keen attention to detail. Little things matter to you - you are a bit of a perfectionist.
You Are 84% Interesting

Believe it or not, you are a very fascinating person.
You're probably too busy being interesting to realize exactly how interesting you are.
You have a rich, full life. You are curious about the world, and you are very open to new experiences.
You have a lot to talk about, and people find you to be an amazing conversationalist.
And most importantly, you are truly interested in other people. How could anyone find that boring?
You truly listen and learn from others. You're not self absorbed or shallow.
You Are the Sense of Sound

You love to talk, but you also love to listen.
You are simply a natural conversationalist.
You can have a deep conversation that lasts for hours and come out of it feeling energized.
You have a good ear for foreign languages and accents of all sorts.
You can imitate people quite well.
You also are a huge lover of music. You probably love music more than most people you know.
Your Fitness Type: Expressive

You find most exercise to be repetitive and dull.
But if you're able to express yourself, you hardly feel like you're exercising.
Try taking a dance class. Any kind that interests you, from ballet to hip hop.
You may also find that skiing, skateboarding, and roller skating are expressive sports in their own right!
Your Birthday Predicts You're Independent

Ever since you were born, you've loved doing your own thing.
You enjoy puzzles and games. Anything that stretches your mind interests you.
You are a quiet person - often lost in your own thoughts. Others find you completely mysterious.
You have so much fun thinking, dreaming, and planing. You hardly have time for friends.
You Crave an Important Life

Your dream is to life a live a life that leaves a mark.
You'd like to have a mission or journey to complete, even if it takes years.
You want your life to be meaningful, and having a final goal brings you meaning.
You'd like to accomplish something big, if only to inspire others to believe it can be done.
Your Friendship Style is Empathetic

You deeply care about each person you're friends with. For you, friendship is all about the personal connection.
You tend to know everything about your friends' lives... and they know everything about yours. Your friends are your confidants.
You are always there for your friends. You celebrate their successes and support them in their times of need.
You are as loyal as they come. And you expect the same loyalty and understanding from your friends in return.
You and another Empathetic Friend: Have a amazing friendship, when it works. You care for each other deeply, but you often end up with hurt feelings and drama.
You and a Gregarious Friend: May have a bit of a one sided friendship. You adore your Social Friend, but you sometimes feel a bit neglected.
You and an Independent Friend: Struggle a bit. You are very interested in your Independent Friend's life, but your friend often needs more space.
You and a Philosophical Friend: Respect one another. You love to learn about your Philosophical Friend's brilliant ideas.
You Are a Mac

You are creative, stylish, and super trendy.
You are a bit obsessed with gadgets, and you like owning the newest devices.
You aren't the type of person who separates work from pleasure.
In your opinion, all work should be fun. You love creating.
Aesthetics are very important to you. You like to be surrounded by beautiful, sleek things.
You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg.
Your Travel Personality Is: The Adventurer

For you, travel is how you learn about the world. And you like to learn the stuff that's not in guidebooks.
You truly have wanderlust. When you're not traveling, you're dreaming about where you'll go next.
And your travels are truly legendary - they leave you with stories you'll be telling for the rest of your life!
Within me are the makings of a perfect storm; tumultuous thoughts twist and tangle together with long-lost figments and fancies, kicking up dust and stirring leaves long settled in my mind. If I could but unleash the force of these imaginings and develop them into something tangible, there may just happen to be a mind-storm of epic proportions. Alas, as I place pen upon paper, all becomes calm. My hand stays still as a statue. Not one thought flutters. Not one picture glimmers in the light of an idea. Not one ink stroke does my pen produce. Nothing at all. The leaves settle once again.